How to manage comedonal acne for men 7 steps

Let’s take a look at how to manage comedonal acne for men. Early management of comedonal acne is important. This is because when comedonal acne worsens, it evolves into inflammatory acne. In this time, we will look at the causes of comedonal acne and some ways to improve it.


Causes of comedonal acne

It is easy to find a solution by first knowing the cause. comedonal acne is caused by the accumulation of waste products in healthy sebum to form comedones.

comedonal acne

Here the waste products are:

1. keratin of the skin

2. Sunscreen

3. Oil-moisture balance is broken

4. Sweat, etc.

How to manage comedonal acne

If so, let’s take a look at the management methods that can improve comedonal acne. With a little care and basic lifestyle skills, you can have healthy enough skin.

1. Exfoliating and soothing pack

Exfoliating the dead skin cells on the face is one of the most basic. In particular, in the stage of comedonal acne, the skin is less sensitive than inflammatory acne, so exfoliation can prevent the clogging of pores without major side effects.

soothing mask pack

In addition, it is recommended to use a soothing pack once daily. Soothing packs soothe and hydrate the skin. For reference, it is appropriate to exfoliate twice a week. Depending on the sensitivity, it is okay to reduce it to 1 time.

2. Balance oil and moisture

Depending on your skin type, you need to adjust the oil-to-moisture ratio. For ease of understanding, the oil and water ratio should be kept at 2:5.

➡️ Reference: How to balance oil and moisture

3. Oil control paper

Dry skin, not oily skin, can also make the skin greasy. Under the influence of cosmetics or waste products.

So, you need to clean up the oil that naturally comes out. Use oil paper once before and after lunchtime and before and after work. 2 times in total.

In this case, we recommend paper-type oiled control paper rather than film-type oiled paper. This is because the film type absorbs moisture as well as skin oil.

4. Do not touch your face with your hands


Your hands may be the most germ-causing part of your body. This is because they hold the keyboard, cellphone, and handle it every day.

Avoid touching comedonal acne or healthy skin with germ-infested hands. It’s like a face pack with germs.

5. Wipe off sweat.

In particular, the forehead is in contact with the hair, so it sweats more and evaporates more slowly than other parts of the face. If you sweat, wipe it off with a towel.

Sweat contains ingredients that are bad for your skin, such as urea. Not good for skin health.

6. If you use hairspray,

If you use hairspray or hair essence, be sure to cover your face and forehead with a screen or hand before spraying. In these products, the ingredients that fix the shape are the main culprits that clog pores when they come in contact with the skin.

7. Proper face washing

You can see the effect of exfoliating just by learning and practicing the right way to wash your face. Ultimately, it is the most fundamental to maintaining healthy skin.

➡️Reference: Correct way to face wash.

Here are 7 ways to manage comedonal acne. It’s a simple, yet difficult lifestyle. Especially because men are bothered.

Once the skin has deteriorated, it is difficult to get it back. That’s why it’s so important to maintain healthy skin. If your skin is getting worse or worse, start taking care of your skin in the right way.

The way to keep your skin young and healthy is to take care of it!

✔️ How to manage inflammatory acne for men

✔️ 3 Men’s skin types and characteristics

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