4 misconceptions about men’s skincare

misconceptions about men’s skincare. Let’s take a look at 4 common male skin myths. People who are not interested in skin care are mainly men. If you read the 4 misconceptions they make, you will understand. But that’s fine. You can manage it from now on. At the end of this article, I will introduce basic skin care methods for each skin type.

4 misconceptions about men’s skincare

Basically, men do not take care of their skin. However, if you suddenly have acne or trouble, you start paying attention.

However, experts point out that you need to take care of your skin from the time it is good. So, even if you fall into the 4 categories below and your skin is currently clean, take good care of it for yourself!

1. Cosmetics ruin the skin.

skin toner lotion set

Normal men think that they take care of themselves by applying only skin or lotion. In addition, there is a tendency to think that cosmetics such as mask packs, sunscreens, and moisture creams are not good for the skin.

The basis for this misconception is the stinging sensation you feel when using new care products or short-term skin problems.

However, this is a natural process. In conclusion, it is because it provides moisture to the skin that lacks moisture.

To put it simply, it is similar to the muscle pain that a person who has never exercised before starts exercising.

2. Only use skin toner!

Some men only use skin toner because their face feels tight after washing. They are convinced that skin toner is the only way to take care of your skin.

And there are some people who think that lotions or creams are the main culprits blocking the skin barrier.

However, toners and lotions do different things. Toner removes residual waste, soothes the skin, and manages skin texture, and lotion provides moisture and moisturizes.

Find out exactly what each product does and why you need it.

3. Skin is hereditary!

hereditary system

This is when you think of skin as innate heredity. Of course, that’s not 100% wrong. This is because natural skin is less prone to troubles and recovers quickly.

However, a change in lifestyle or extreme stress can upset your genetics and mess up your skin at any time.

So, you need to take care of your skin when it’s good. That way, you can flexibly respond to internal and external changes.

4. Dry? Oily? I do not know.

Last misconceptions about men’s skincare. This is the most common male skin misconception. The illusion that there is only one skin type.

Skin types can be divided into dry, oily, and combination skin. Each skin type has a different care method.

Skin type self-diagnosis

  • Dry skin: Small or absent pores that are invisible to the naked eye.
  • Oily skin: Conversely, the pores are large and oily.

A dry skin care tip is to replenish oil after hydrating enough. On the other hand, oily skin needs to supply enough moisture and periodically wipe off the oily skin with a product such as oil paper.

The next skincare method is inflammation management. Skin problems such as inflammation from razor blades, whiteheads around the cheeks, blackheads around the nose, bumps under the eyes, and a dry mouth are caused by dead skin cells.

So, what are the causes of keratin? This is because the skin lacks moisture. So, on a regular basis, you should pay attention to moisturizing your skin and exfoliating your skin once or twice a week.

concluding remarks

This concludes the 4 misconceptions about men’s skincare. If you are a man reading this, there will be misunderstandings you can relate to, and women will also think of men like this around you.

This is a common misconception and misunderstanding. Now, let’s take a step-by-step look at how to manage it properly.

The way to keep your skin young and healthy is to take care of it!

✔️ 3 Men’s skin types and characteristics

✔️ The key to men’s dry skincare is balance

✔️ Men’s oily skin care tips

✔️ How to care for men’s combination skin